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10 Things You Didn't Know About Snohomish

The town was originally called Cadyville.

Fun fact: Mary Low Sinclair, arrived in Cadyville on May 1, 1865, became Cadyville’s first permanent white female resident. She is considered to be the founder of education in Snohomish by opening her home as the first classroom. She lived on Pearl Street.

Old Ferg, the founder of Snohomish, had a daughter with an Indian woman, but married someone else.

Ferg lived with an Indian woman who soon gave birth to a girl. While in Olympia, he met Lucetta Morgan and they married in 1868. Ferguson rejected his common-law wife and child but continued to give them some support. 

Snohomish means “Big Tribe.”

Snoqualmie...people of the moon

Stillaguamish...people of the river

Sultan...fastest, best water

Mukilteo...good camp

Tulalip...shallow bay

Actors in the worst play to hit the Snohomish stage were forced to escape out the windows when the audience starting to throw eggs at them.

"The Times Special Service. Snohomish, Friday, March 26, 1909 — The Three of a Kind Company, a decidedly barn-storming aggregation, reached a dramatic climax at the Alcazar Theatre last evening when the audience rose en masse during the first act and threatened to present the play actors with a choice selection of eggs as a mark of their lack of appreciation.

"The stage manager promptly dropped the curtain to prevent any further demonstration. The audience waited a few minutes and as there were no further indications that the play would be resumed, a few bolder spirits went behind the scenes. They did so just in time to see the members of the company — four young women and several men — making frantic exits from handy windows.”

It cost approximately $700,000 to demolish the Hal Moe pool.

Real Estate Excise Tax funds of $700,000 were used to remove the building, fill the existing pools, and hydroseed the ground.  

Back in the day the police chief had a monthly salary of $20, with an arrest bonus of $2 per arrest.

Hyrcanus Blackman, Police Chief.

Local legend has it that the ghost of a former policeman and many others still haunt the old Oxford Saloon in the city of Snohomish.


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Chrissy Teigen was a high school cheerleader, working that team spirit as a student at Snohomish High.

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The first airplane to carry mail took off from Harvey Field.

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Noble Harvey established a family-owned airfield in 1945, which the family still operates as Harvey Airfield.  In 1911, Nobel purchased the first automobile in the county, the same year he hosted the first airplane flight. Fred J. Wiseman’s flight in Snohomish was cut short by rain-soaked, fabric-covered wings and it ended in a muddy but safe nose-dive after reaching only 60 feet in altitude. The amazing machine was repaired, continued to break records, and is currently hanging in the Smithsonian Postal Museum as the first plane to carry the mail.

The Town Clock has a typo.

The town clock commemorates the incorporating of the City of Snohomish located at First Street and Avenue A.   Can you find the mistake?

Give up? Look at 11 o’clock… oh wait… it says 12 twice!

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