Snohomish Nicole Serviss Snohomish Nicole Serviss

Kla Ha Ya Days

Come see what Kla Ha Ya Days has to offer.

Parade 2018

The Kla Ha Ya Days Festival (KHYDF) is a nonprofit organization that produces an annual local festival, to welcome people throughout Northwest Washington to celebrate the community's beauty, and goodwill of Snohomish. Proceeds from the KHYDF's activities support Snohomish-based community organizations with programs and services for youth and families.


What an awesome kick off to Kla Ha Ya Days. The parade was fantastically well run, and had a lot of fun entries.  (watch the video above)

I parked over on Maple and watched the tail end of it. I thought it was the perfect spot. Easy walk back to my car, although there were some REALLY close parking options as you got closer that were only $10. We were near a ton of great booths. I even won a free Microdermabrasion from a raffle entry from Mary Kay! Saaweeet! 

Looking forward to going next year and trying out the carnival. 


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