For people dedicated to personal and professional development.

Call/text/email Nicole Serviss with your questions or if you want to join!


Growth Bound Book Club

What are we reading right now?

Deep Work by Cal Newport explores the concept of focused, distraction-free work as a vital skill in today’s fast-paced, connected world. Newport defines deep work as the ability to concentrate on cognitively demanding tasks, enabling mastery of complex information, improved productivity, and a sense of fulfillment from high-quality craftsmanship. Despite its value, many people have lost this ability, often distracted by email and social media.

The book is divided into two parts. The first argues that cultivating a deep work ethic delivers significant professional and personal benefits. The second provides a structured training program, outlined through four key rules:

  1. Work Deeply: Prioritize focus and develop strategies to maintain it.

  2. Embrace Boredom: Resist constant stimulation and strengthen your ability to concentrate.

  3. Quit Social Media: Eliminate unnecessary distractions.

  4. Drain the Shallows: Reduce low-value tasks to focus on meaningful work.

Through a mix of cultural analysis, memorable anecdotes, and actionable advice, Newport challenges readers to rewire their habits and rethink their engagement with distractions. Stories like Carl Jung retreating to a stone tower for deep thought and a social media pioneer escaping to a distraction-free plane ride illustrate the transformative power of deep work. The book serves as a practical guide for achieving focused success in a noisy, fragmented world.

Meeting Schedule

January 9th @3pm: Introduction through Chapter 2 (page 71).

January 23rd @3pm: Chapter 3 though Rule #1 (Page 154). We will talk about our next book choice at this meeting.

February 13th @3pm: Rule #2 through Conclusion (Page 263).

What’s Next?

We haven’t decided yet. Stay tuned…

Books we’ve already read: Coming soon! We are just getting started.


Who are we?

We are a group of people who love to read. We want to choose books that challenge us to grow not only professionally but personally as well.

Where do we meet?

Most of the time we are at Josh’s Taps and Caps on Bickford in Snohomish.

Who can join?

Anyone! As long as you are committed to reading through the book with us. You don’t have to commit for life, just for the current book. Take it one book at a time.

Does it cost anything?

Nope. Only your time and maybe a beer or cider at Josh’s as a thank you for letting us use their space.