Why Vote Yes? Building for Our Students’ Future Capital Bond - February 11, 2020


Election day is February 11th, 2020

Passing the $470 million school bond is integral to the future success of our town.

The Snohomish schools are over 40 years old and, while our teachers do the best they can to provide an excellent education to our students with the facilities available to them, the buildings are dated and need replacing.

This bond will build six new elementary schools as well as create additional classroom space at GPHS, renovate the AIM campus, and create a larger space for the Early Learning Center.

When communities stop showing support for their schools, property values decrease and students’ educational and career prospects decrease. We don’t want that here in Snohomish.

With schools improved, students, and subsequently our community, will benefit from higher quality education and a safer learning environment. These kids grow up to be tomorrow’s local business owners and community leaders.

I have four kids in Snohomish schools, and would be beyond grateful for our community’s support in providing all students, present and future, a high-quality education. For the cost of a few cups of coffee a month, you can be a part of making Snohomish an even better place to live. Vote Yes! for Snohomish Students by February 11th, 2020.


The February 2020 bond will focus on:

Providing access and opportunity for each student

Funds from the bond will be used to replace our oldest elementary schools, so all students have the same access to an optimal learning environment no matter which school they attend.

Replaces six of our oldest elementary schools: Cascade View Elementary, Cathcart Elementary, Dutch Hill Elementary, Seattle Hill Elementary and Totem Falls Elementary. Central Primary Center and Emerson Elementary would be combined into one new K-6 facility on the Emerson site. Click here for a proposed timeline and projected project costs of the priority projects.

Add classrooms to Glacier Peak High School to minimize the reliance on portable classrooms.

Create an early learning center at the current Central Primary Center facility.

Improvements to the Parkway Campus, home to our alternative learning programs, such as AIM High School and Parent Partnership Program.

Improvements to the district’s maintenance and transportation facilities.

Enhancing school safety and security for students and schools

Funding is needed for security improvements to better ensure our children learn in a safe environment. The bond would provide upgrades to safety and security at schools throughout our district.

Safety and security upgrades are, but not limited to, exterior digital access control, internal access control, new district wide radio system, redesigned vestibules in secondary schools, new and upgrade existing camera systems, and emergency responder antennas at secondary schools.

Continuing community pride

This bond will ensure our schools continue to be a source of pride in our community. We know that the success of our students and quality schools are a reflection of our community and a source of pride.

What is the cost for the capital bond?

If approved by voters on February 11, 2020, the tax rate for the Snohomish School District's $470 million capital bond would be $0.98 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. In the Snohomish School District, the average assessed home value is $460,000. For a home assessed at $460,000, the cost would be about $450/year or $38/month. All funding approved by Snohomish voters stays local and is used to support education in the Snohomish School District.

How will this affect your property value?

To find out more: https://www.sno.wednet.edu/2020bond/faqs
To donate: http://www.yessnohomish.org/donate/
To help: contact Markmyers15@live.com

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